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Shelly Uni is the smallest universal module that can make any old appliance smart! With this tiny, insulated chip, you can control any sensor and measure it, such as a liquid level sensor to measure the level of, or even automate the auto-filling system. No more waiting around in the morning for your coffee machine to heat its water and prepare your coffee! Just connect it to Shelly Uni and switch it on remotely as you please, or on a set schedule.
With the ideal size of 20 x 33 x 13mm (0.78 x 1.29 x 0.5 in), Shelly Uni is the smallest universal module that can make any old appliance smart.
Shelly Uni can be powered with a wide range of power sources;c12V-36V DC and 12V-24V AC.
Includes 2 independent digital inputs, which can support multiple voltages; 2.2-36V DC and 12-24V AC.
The two potential-free outputs can switch up to 36VAC and 24VDC, with a maximum current of 100mA each.
The ADC range can measure any voltage from 0 to 30 VDC. Dual ranges from 0-12V and 12-30V give exceptionally high accuracy.
Shelly Uni supports up to 3 DS18B20 temperature sensors or 1 humidity sensor, making it possible to trigger outputs or local and cloud scenes.
Out of the box, Shelly Uni supports REST, MQTT, CoAP, Alexa, Google Home, and Samsung Smart Things, making it highly compatible with all major home automation platforms.
Even though there is no plastic casing, the transparent insulation covering the chip protects it from high humidity, dust, and the threat of short circuits during its long working hours.